Computation and meFor years, I have been stuck in this back and forth where my jobs require that I work with software (collaboration tools, AutoCAD, Vectorworks, etc...) while my interests and hobbies are deeply rooted in tangible craft and experiences (Woodwork, textile art, stationery, etc...). As my day to day life depends more and more on digital interfaces, I feel this growing sense of guilt over the lost time that could have been spent working with hand tools. I've also come to realize that this is not an isolated experience. In fact, I find many people share the same sentiments such as "I wish I journaled more" and "I'd like to learn how to make x, y, z". I'd like to spend my time at ITP exploring the possibilities and opportunities that bridge the gap between digital interactions and tangible goods without loosing the utility of either. I was introduced to Spencer Chang's work through our cohort's discord. Someone shared a link to his Data Talisman workshop where attendees make their own small clay sculptures that store digital media, which he calls webstones. I am inspired by this idea of combining physical objects with digital data to create a hybrid experience, and hopefully as a by product, help others build a regular practice of appreciating and celebrating handmade objects. Self portrait
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Blog posts and other documentation from NYU ITP classes